DCNOMA stands behind our student chapters, recognizing them as the vanguards of our profession's future and integral contributors to fostering diversity and enrichment within the industry. NOMAS chapters without a nearby professional chapter are warmly encouraged to reach out and connect with us, especially if they're within reasonable distance to the DC metropolitan area! Below are the NOMAS chapters that DCNOMA currently engages with and support is University of Maryland, Howard University, The Catholic University of America and University of the District of Columbia.

For more information about related to your NOMAS chapter, starting a new chapter or any other questions please contact:

Melanie Ray, University Liaison, Northeast Region (NOMA GLOBAL) NOMA, AIA, LEED Green Associate

Joshua Cato, Student Representative (NOMA GLOBAL) NOMAS President, The University of the District of Columbia

Madison Summers, University Liaison (DCNOMA LOCAL)