Our Committees

Membership Committee

This committee is responsible for the retention, development, and growth of the DCNOMA member base. Some of the duties of this committee include but not limited to:

  • Collecting all membership applications, chapter and national dues, member contacts, and affiliations

  • Unified membership record keeping kept by DCNOMA and in correspondence with NOMA

  • Facilitating membership/non-membership access and payments for all events

  • Maintaining attendance records for all events


First Vice President: Telicious Robinson

Email: 1stvicepresident@districtnoma.org

Committee Interest Form

Programming and Planning Committee

This committee is responsible for the development of the yearly activities and future plans for DCNOMA as directed by the President’s mission and the Board. Some of the duties of this committee include, but not limited to:

  • Preparation and presentation of an annual agenda to the Board and Members

  • Soliciting and initiating event ideas that will be beneficial to DCNOMA

  • Screening proposed events/projects and determining approvals based on priorities and benefits

  • Strategizing long term goals and opportunities for DCNOMA events projects


2nd Vice President: Camilla Do

Email: 2ndvicepresident@districtnoma.org

Committee Interest Form

Budget and Finance Committee

This committee is responsible for budgeting, planning, and administering financial policies and programs to generate resources for the chapter. Some of the responsibilities of this committee include but not limited to:

  • The creation and maintenance of the financial management system and practices

  • Preparing and presenting annual budget to the Board and Members

  • Monitoring and reporting to the Board regarding the financial condition of DC, and performance with respect to the budget

  • Developing fundraising initiatives


Treasurer: Sarah Bannerman

Email: treasurer@districtnoma.org

Committee Interest Form

Procedure and By-laws Committee

This committee is responsible for the general maintenance of the Bylaws and its precise implementation within DCNOMA; along with facilitating and standardizing all other procedural aspects of this organization. Some of these responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Informing Members of and facilitating the procedural aspects meetings and other orders of operation

  • Determining actual and potential violations to the Bylaws

  • Maintaining a list of Committees and their functional structure for review of the President and Board

  • Creating necessary templates for organizational documents


Parliamentarian: Zhetique Gunn

Email: parliamentarian@districtnoma.org

Committee Interest Form

Communications AND SOCIAL MEDIA committee

This committee is responsible for guiding the overall narrative for DCNOMA’s public image. Some of these responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Maintaining a working list of contacts for relevant businesses/firms, schools and organizations

  • Distributing DCNOMA event information through local media and other sources

  • Identifying and fostering alliances with local firms, schools, and organizations

  • Strategizing and advocating for positive public awareness of DCNOMA and minority architects in general


Director of Communications: Monica Retzke

Email: communications@districtnoma.org

Committee Interest Form


Historian: Robert Stanton

Email: historian@districtnoma.org

Committee Interest Form


Project Pipeline Chair: Rebecca Ambouroue

Email: contact@districtnoma.org

Committee Interest Form

Database and Archives Committee

This committee is responsible for the collection storage and organization of all DCNOMA items. Some of the responsibilities of this committee include but are not limited to:

  • Maintaining a well organized database of all DCNOMA items that can be accessed by relevant Members

  • Keeping accurate records of all notable occurrences within DCNOMA

  • Soliciting desired records from members of DCNOMA and NOMA

  • Regulating best practices for continued organization and access to the database by other members

Project Pipeline Committee

Project Pipeline’s Mission is to empower young people to affect change in their community through design. Using the city as the classroom and connecting young people to real-world architects and planners, we foster the next generation of design professionals, civic leaders, and changemakers. We advocate for increased inclusiveness, diversity, fellowship, equity, and excellence in design.