DCNOMA Chapter Meeting Tuesday (4/16)


Hello DCNOMA! 

We hope you had a chance to enjoy some of the wonderful weather and beautiful blooms this weekend! Just a reminder, our April Chapter Meeting is Tuesday, April 16th at 7:00 pm at Jacobs in Arlington, VA! (Tour of Jacobs starts at 6:30 pm!) Please RSVP here! Can't make it on Tuesday? Please join us via ZOOM! Visit https://zoom.us/join or call 1-877 853 5257 (Toll Free) and use the Meeting ID 428 765 316. If you're too far away (Hey Richmond!) and/or finishing up classes for the day (Helloooo NOMAS Chapters!!), we encourage you to use this option!  

In the meantime, here are other ways to getting involved! 
1. Amendments to the Chapter ByLaws  --  Attached to this email, you will find a PDF copy of the proposed bylaws. Please review and prepare to discuss on Tuesday! Following the meeting, we will open an online poll for members to vote on final approval and adoption of the bylaws. The online voting will conclude promptly on May 1st @ 5pm and the final vote will then be tallied. Just a reminder, only members in good standing (dues paid) will have their votes counted. So...

2. Last Reminder to Join/Renew Your Membership -- As we move forward, we will start offering opportunities to our members and you don't want to miss out! Sign up here! 

3. Logo Design Competition -- The deadline is around the corner and we can't wait to see all of your entries! Please see a previous email for instructions and remember, your submissions are due by April 30th. The winner will receive $50! 
With summer right around the corner, please continue to stay connected with DCNOMA through Instagram (@districtnoma), Twitter (@dcnoma), LinkedIn, and Facebook! 
Finally, start looking for emails from districtNOMA@gmail.com as we streamline our communications! See you Tuesday!

To view this meeting presentation, click HERE.

District NOMA